There will be six workshops during the festival, each of which will share knowledge about different topics of drag.
All workshops will take place at:
Caligariplatz 1, 13086 Berlin - Weißensee

With Ruco LaPesto + Brigitte Oytoy
The history of Tunte is, in Germany, inseparable from the history of Drag. Tunten are the hysterical fairies who intervene into public life and stage performance with radical queerness. In this workshop Ruco LaPesto and Brigitte Oytoy will tell you all about the history and politics of Tunte and guide performance activities.
Sun 2 October 11:00-14:00
Drag + Community Building

With Prince Emrah + Kaey Kiel
Drag spaces have always been meeting points for the queer communities in which people can find a sense of belonging. These spaces are politically significant since within them find the strength to fight against the oppressive forces which exist in the wider world. In this workshop Kaey Keil, trans feminine Drag Queen icon, and Prince Emrah, belly dancer, organiser, activist, and refugee, will share their experiences and knowledge about how to build community spaces.
Mon 3 October 11:00-14:00
Drag + Clowning

With Alec M Ballz + Nosmo King
Clowning is all about the interaction between the performer, emotions and the public. Being silly, making people laugh, being serious, making people cry and importantly making people think. Empathy is achieved through presence, movement and magic. In this workshop, Alec M Ballz and Nosmo King, will guide you toward your inner clown and discuss the connections between clowning and Drag.
Tue 4 October 11:00-14:00
Drag King

With Afro Disiac + Buba Sababa
Drag Kings have often been underrepresented in mainstream drag platforms, yet the essence of kinging, claiming masculine performativity, is a powerful tool in the emancipation from patriarchy. In this workshop Drag King legends, Buba Sababa and Afro Disiac, will teach the participants about all things King.
For hygienic reasons participants are encouraged to bring:
- Cream or liquid eyeliner
- Eye shadow palette
- Foundation, contouring
- Brushes
- Mascara
- Eyelashes or anything you want to glue on your face
- Outfit to dress up
- Makeup remover and cotton or wipes
- Lipstick if you want to use
-> please bring 1 photo (can be on phone) that represents masculinity for you, can be abstract, characters on TV or Film .. Musicians a Family member etc.
-> Start thinking about the vibe you want to create. Name, Character, Music
-> we encourage that specially BIPOC sign into this workshop
Wed 5 October 11:00-14:00
Gender Performance

With Alexander Cameltoe + Mojo
Gender is a performance, it has been known for over 20 year in queer theory as an academic discipline. In this workshop, Berlin drag performance superstars, Alexander Cameltoe and Mojo, will guide an investigation into the performance of gender.
Thur 6 October 11:00-14:00
Drag Makeup

With Caine Panik + Lau Perrea
Makeup has always been an essential part of Drag. Whether you are shaping your face through contouring, becoming another creature all together, or feeling the fantasy with some glitter, makeup helps us to access new areas of our being. In this workshop Lau Perrea, Drag Star/professional Make Up Artist and Caine Panik, GentlePunkDragQuing with out of this world make up skills, will teach the participants about how to make their cosmetic fantasies a reality.
For hygienic reasons participants are encouraged to bring:
- Cream or liquid eyeliner
- Eye shadow palette
- Foundation, contouring
- Brushes
- Mascara
- Eyelashes or anything you want to glue on your face
- Outfit to dress up
- Makeup remover and cotton or wipes
- Lipstick if you want to use
Fri 7 October 11:00-16:00